Unlocking an "Exceptional Notes Experience" with IBM Notes 9
Albert Buendia - 30/01/2013

Traditionally, Notes business users don't see the awesome features of a new Domino server version. They wouldn't play with a new javascript debugger, new controls or whatever new feature is available in IBM Designer. So, what they see ?
They see the IBM Notes client experience. And now, if you have worked in this area, the Xpages experience. After playing some time with the new IBM Notes 9 client I want to share how you can unlock an "Exceptional Notes Experience".

IBM Notes 9. Main screen

IBM Notes 9

1. Go to View -> Show Shorcut Buttons
2. Select the extra buttons available.

IBM Notes 9

Changes in the landing page

IBM Notes 9

Now, Notes users will have an "Exceptional Notes Experience". You will have a direct way to the main IBM Notes features with only a simple click. Remember GTD ?? Show to your users the "Thumbnails" button and they will change their IBM Notes perception. Simple, fast and effective.

Bonus: If you deploy the "File Navigator" widget from your Widget Catalog that will be even a better experience. Thanks René, It works perfect with IBM Notes 9. Users love it !

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Unlocking an "Exceptional Notes Experience" with IBM Notes 9