HCL Domino Blog (Multiple Home Page) Vincent van Gogh option, almost ready to download
Martin Ortega
3 Noviembre 2021
This blog will be available for download when the HCL Domino Blog Template has no copyright (only God knows when) The novelty of the "Vincent van Gogh" option (you can change the blog design from the Configuration Document) is that the Home page is no longer the Blog Home. The easy thing would be to create an NSF as Home and from there put a link to the Blog, but I want the Home to be in the NSF of the Blog. Well, I'll tell you something more about this new option of the Configuration Document, for now I leave the link here. Note: In small resolutions you can get lost (you never really know where you are but I'm fixing it) Here is the link
This blog is not finished, anyway I can send you the NSF with the option that is now visible, "Vincent van Gogh", but in English, German is too difficult for me.
You will tell me if you prefer to wait that I finish it, or you want the NSF how it looks now.
Fatih Duranoğlu
05/11/2021 16:14:51
Hi Martin
So nice blog can you share nsf with me. Thanks
06/11/2021 19:10:34
Hello Fatih, this blog is under construction.
I've really abandoned it, there are things that I don't like, I'm working on a new version but I don't want to publish it yet.
When it's OK, I'll send you the link, if you're still interested I can send you the NSF to your email address.
Regards from Spain
Autor SIDRA400
Mi nombre es Martín Ortega Novella, vivo en Asturias, casi toda mi vida laboral ha sido en IBM, pero ya estoy jubilado.
Siempre he utilizado Lotus Notes/Domino para mi blog, donde me he sentido más cómodo ha sido cuando estaba alojado en mi AS/400, ahora está en un iMac
Durante un año utilicé IBM WebSphere Portal Server, un gran producto pero volví a usar Lotus / Notes porque es lo que más gusta.
SIDRA400 es miembro del ESLUG (Spanish HCL Domino User Group).