Someone told you to remove coding/development examples? That doesn't make sense to me at all. Why can't you share your work?
Hi David, as I say in this blog entry, someone from HCL advised me a long time ago to remove all free download examples to avoid having problems.
He told me that HCL was going to convert this Template into opensource, that would allow me to be able to put them as a free download because it would no longer have copyright.
Time has passed and it seems like they haven't done anything.
I’m not going to share this Template as a free download until I’m sure I will not have problems.
Best Regards and thanks for your comment.
A version of the Domino Blog template has been made open source in 2009 - see
A newer version will soo be open sourced under the Apache 2.0 license, so that anyone can fork it and republish a modified version on your own website.
The open source git repository already exists but has not been published yet.
Hi Thomas, thanks for the information, I will be attentive to see when it`s published, I hope it will be soon
A greeting from Spain
Mi nombre es Martín Ortega Novella, vivo en Asturias, casi toda mi vida laboral ha sido en IBM, pero ya estoy jubilado.
Siempre he utilizado Lotus Notes/Domino para mi blog, donde me he sentido más cómodo ha sido cuando estaba alojado en mi AS/400, ahora está en un iMac
Durante un año utilicé IBM WebSphere Portal Server, un gran producto pero volví a usar Lotus / Notes porque es lo que más gusta.
SIDRA400 es miembro del ESLUG (Spanish HCL Domino User Group).