You don't like the result ??? I am going to give several examples of things that you can change yourself. Example 1, Home Page size Change the value whatever you want, the bottom link has a value of 1400px Link /* .....size 3 */ @media screen and (min-width: 1093px) { /* Contenedor Home----------------------------------*/ #cuerpohome { max-width:1700px;text-align:center;margin: 80px auto 30px auto;padding:0px 10px 0; } ======= ====== ======= ======== ======== Don't like the pictures ??? You just have to change this value in the CSS Link /* Para el campo description---------------------------------------*/ #contenedorItem {text-align:left;margin: 0 auto;padding:0; } #contenedorItem .imagen{width:100%;padding:0px ; display:none;vertical-align:top; overflow:hidden;} #contenedorItem .texto{width: 100%;padding:0px 20px; display:inline-block;vertical-align:top; margin:0px;overflow:hidden;} ======= ====== ======= ======== ======== Do you want to change the number of entries displayed per line ??? Easy, you just have to change this value 33.3% 3 per line, 50% 2 per line like this link Link #cajamini {display: inline-block;text-align:left;margin:0px ; font-size: 110% ;color:#696969; height:100%;padding:0px;width: 33.3% ;margin: 0px;vertical-align:top; Do you want a Right Side Bar like the original blog has??? Well, there are some more changes you have to make, but it's also easy, you can see it in the CSS and the code of the page, if you're not sure, I can send you the example.
Mi nombre es Martín Ortega Novella, vivo en Asturias, casi toda mi vida laboral ha sido en IBM, pero ya estoy jubilado.
Siempre he utilizado Lotus Notes/Domino para mi blog, donde me he sentido más cómodo ha sido cuando estaba alojado en mi AS/400, ahora está en un iMac
Durante un año utilicé IBM WebSphere Portal Server, un gran producto pero volví a usar Lotus / Notes porque es lo que más gusta.
SIDRA400 es miembro del ESLUG (Spanish HCL Domino User Group).